# author: Vanessa Ezekowitz # email: vanessaezekowitz@gmail.com # dist-license: GPL # use-license: unlimited # Redrawn from the TO92 footprint included with PCB. # pin 1 = collector # pin 2 = base # Pin 3 = emitter Element["" "Transistor_TO-92-CBE" "" "" 216500 141500 0 0 0 100 ""] ( Pin[-10000 0 7200 2000 7800 4200 "" "B" "edge2"] Pin[0 0 7200 2000 7800 4200 "" "C" "square,edge2"] Pin[-20000 0 7200 2000 7800 4200 "" "E" "edge2"] ElementLine [-17000 -7100 -3000 -7100 1000] ElementArc [-10000 0 10000 10000 -45 135 1000] ElementArc [-10001 -1 10001 10001 90 135 1000] )