# ===================================================================================================== # author: Max Christian Pohle, 2010 # email: gedasymbols@wireme.de # url: http://www.entwicklerseite.de/ # dist-license: GPL3, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt # use-license: unlimited # # *SYNTAX* # Element[...](...) =================================================================================== # # [SFlags] # symbolic flags like ["", "edge2", "square", "octagon", "onsolder", "showname", "hole"] # # [Name, Value, Desc] # leave blank (filled out automatically by gsch2pcb) # # [MX,MY] # elements source-X, sourceY (source of all relative coordinates) # # [TX,TY] # initial text-position for values Name,Value,Desc # # [TDir] # relative text-direction ["0"->0deg. (horizontal); "1"->90deg., "2"->180deg., "3"->240deg.] # # [TScale] # text-scaling (percentage of default-font), leave 100 if applicable # # [TSFlags] # leave blank (don't know what ) # # ===================================================================================================== # SFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" MX MY TX TY TDir TScale TSFlags] Element["" "" "vs1053" "" 10 10 70000 40000 3 400 "showname"] ( # =================================================================================================== # Pin[...] # rX rY Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" "Number" SFlags] Pin[0 35000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "10" ""] Pin[0 45000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "9" ""] Pin[0 55000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "8" ""] Pin[0 65000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "7" ""] Pin[0 75000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "6" ""] Pin[0 85000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "5" "showname"] Pin[0 95000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "4" "showname"] Pin[0 105000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "3" "showname"] Pin[0 115000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "2" "showname"] Pin[0 125000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "1" "showname"] Pin[30000 5000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "11" ""] Pin[40000 5000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "12" ""] Pin[50000 5000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "13" ""] Pin[60000 5000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "14" ""] Pin[70000 5000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "15" ""] Pin[80000 5000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "16" ""] Pin[110000 35000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "17" ""] Pin[110000 45000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "18" ""] Pin[110000 55000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "19" ""] Pin[110000 65000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "20" ""] Pin[110000 75000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "21" ""] Pin[110000 85000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "22" ""] Pin[110000 95000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "23" ""] Pin[110000 105000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "24" ""] Pin[110000 115000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "25" ""] Pin[110000 125000 5000 10240 1000 2000 "" "26" ""] # =================================================================================================== # ElementLine[...] # rX1 rY1 rX2 rY2 Thickness ElementLine[-4000 2000 113000 2000 2000] ElementLine[113000 2000 113000 155000 2000] ElementLine[113000 155000 -4000 155000 2000] ElementLine[-4000 155000 -4000 2000 2000] # =================================================================================================== # [pins] # left side ElementLine[0 35000 -4000 35000 1024] ElementLine[0 45000 -4000 45000 1024] ElementLine[0 55000 -4000 55000 1024] ElementLine[0 65000 -4000 65000 1024] ElementLine[0 75000 -4000 75000 1024] ElementLine[0 85000 -4000 85000 1024] ElementLine[0 95000 -4000 95000 1024] ElementLine[0 105000 -4000 105000 1024] ElementLine[0 115000 -4000 115000 1024] ElementLine[0 125000 -4000 125000 1024] # top side ElementLine[30000 2000 30000 5000 1024] ElementLine[40000 2000 40000 5000 1024] ElementLine[50000 2000 50000 5000 1024] ElementLine[60000 2000 60000 5000 1024] ElementLine[70000 2000 70000 5000 1024] ElementLine[80000 2000 80000 5000 1024] # right side ElementLine[110000 35000 112000 35000 1024] ElementLine[110000 45000 112000 45000 1024] ElementLine[110000 55000 112000 55000 1024] ElementLine[110000 65000 112000 65000 1024] ElementLine[110000 75000 112000 75000 1024] ElementLine[110000 85000 112000 85000 1024] ElementLine[110000 95000 112000 95000 1024] ElementLine[110000 105000 112000 105000 1024] ElementLine[110000 115000 112000 115000 1024] ElementLine[110000 125000 112000 125000 1024] # =================================================================================================== # ElementArc[...] # to make it look nicer - draw some arcs around the pins # notice: the values are directly copy&pasted from the pins (values are the same for X and Y) # # rX rY Width Height StartAngle DeltaAngle Thickness ElementArc[4000 10000 8000 8000 0 360 2000] ElementArc[105000 10000 8000 8000 0 360 2000] ElementArc[4000 145000 8000 8000 0 360 2000] ElementArc[105000 145000 8000 8000 0 360 2000] # left side.. ElementArc[0 35000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 45000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 55000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 65000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 75000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 85000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 95000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 105000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 115000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[0 125000 3000 3000 0 360 540] # top side... ElementArc[30000 5000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[40000 5000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[50000 5000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[60000 5000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[70000 5000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[80000 5000 3000 3000 0 360 540] # right side... ElementArc[110000 35000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 45000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 55000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 65000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 75000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 85000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 95000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 105000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 115000 3000 3000 0 360 540] ElementArc[110000 125000 3000 3000 0 360 540] # =================================================================================================== ) # =====================================================================================================